English TutoringOnline

Book English Tutoring Online

If you require online English teaching, then get in touch with us today to see how our English tutors can help you to take both your written and verbal English skills to the next level.

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Communication, both written and verbal, is an essential skill in all areas of life. Our English Tutors help students to enhance their writing, reading, listening and speaking skills, so that they can communicate both effectively and confidently.

Our English tutoring online sessions are carried out on virtual meeting platforms, such as Zoom or Google Meet. It’s extremely easy for students and teachers to collaborate and share information, through the use of a virtual whiteboard feature.

We cater for kindergarten through to year 12 students, and teach topics in the same order that the student will study them at school. Our English Tutors can provide guidance in the following areas, as well as any other topic that you may need assistance with:

  • Reading, writing, spelling and grammar.
  • Explore, analyse and critically evaluate numerous types of texts, including novels, poetry, plays, films, short stories, multimodal texts, media, multimedia and digital texts.
  • Compose different text forms using a range of literary devices, including imaginative, factual and analytical pieces. For e.g. poetry, narrative, essay, speech and script writing, etc.
  • Write creatively and critically, as a form of self-expression.
  • Alter style of writing to better serve a particular audience and purpose.
  • HSC preparation for English Standard, Advanced and Extension 1 & 2.

Every student will receive a large personalised resource folder in the mail, when they begin English tutoring online with us. It will include a range of past English exam papers, sample essay and exam responses, study guide sheets plus exam guides and tips.

To provide students with every opportunity to practice and improve their English skills, we give students homework after each tutoring session, except in circumstances where the parent informs us that the student is struggling with their school workload. We also test students after each topic, to ensure that they are fully grasping the content.