English TutoringFace-to-Face

Book Face-To-Face English Tutoring

If you are searching for English tutoring near me, then get in touch with the friendly team at Rubix Learning, who will be able to match you with an accomplished Private English Tutor in Sydney.

Book Tutoring

The English language can be an extremely powerful mode of communication, both verbally and in written form, with the potential to reshape the way people view the world. Our English Tutors explore the power of literature with students, enabling them to become better communicators, through elevating their writing, reading, listening and speaking skills. This in effect, also helps students to gain confidence in other areas of their life, as they are able to effectively communicate and therefore socialise with their peers.

Our English Tutors are prepared to provide assistance to you or your child, no matter where you are on your literary journey. We offer primary school English tutoring for those who are still learning how to read and write, as well as high school English tutoring for those students who are achieving mediocre results and need further guidance to advance their grades. Or you may already be accomplishing satisfactory grades but wish to push yourself further and unleash your full potential.

We stick to the school syllabus and teach topics in the same order that the student will learn them at school. Our English Tutors can help you or your child to excel in the following areas, as well as any other area that you need guidance in:

  • Reading, writing, spelling and grammar.
  • Explore, analyse and critically evaluate numerous types of texts, including novels, poetry, plays, films, short stories, multimodal texts, media, multimedia and digital texts.
  • Compose different text forms using a range of literary devices, including imaginative, factual and analytical pieces. For e.g. poetry, narrative, essay, speech and script writing, etc.
  • Write creatively and critically, as a form of self-expression.
  • Alter style of writing to better serve a particular audience and purpose.
  • HSC preparation for English Standard, Advanced and Extension 1 & 2.

Upon commencing English tutoring, each student will receive a large folder that is packed to the brim with helpful and insightful resources. These resources include past English exam papers, sample essay and exam responses, study guide sheets plus exam guides and tips. Each resource folder is tailored to the individual student and their needs, giving the student every opportunity to reach their full potential.

Our Private English Tutors in Sydney are able to conduct in-person tutoring at your house, or if you would rather, we can meet you at a library or another public place. If you are ever in a position where you are unable to complete face-to-face tutoring, due to illness or another reason, we also offer online English teaching so that you are able to continue your studies no matter what.

Homework will be given to provide the student with further resources and practice. When each topic is finished, a progress exam will help tutors to assess whether any content needs to be explored further.